
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Just Realizing

Totally unrelated picture but this is my favorite flower. Peonies. (I always get nervous to say that word I gonna slip and say Pee-o-nis or Pee-on-this...uggghh anxiety!)

You know the songs you used to know every word to when you were little, but you never really understood what the heck it all meant? I have done that a lot. With a lot of songs. I would sing along with all kinds of music not really knowing what the heck they were talking about and then as an adult hear the song again and think "I can't believe my mom let me listen/sing really loud to this".

One in particular is Jimmy Eat Worlds' "Middle". I used to LOVE that song in like junior high or whenever it came out. I knew all the words but never thought twice about what I was actually saying. I think I remember thinking the song was about literally being in the middle of somewhere. Like the mall. Well thanks to the radio this morning I heard the song again for the first time in a long time and now realize what an awesome message it has in the lyrics.

It feels like they are singing to me in this song. For real. Like this is my anthem for this time in my life. "Middle" totally sums up my life right now. Too funny. Other songs that I now realize what the they were talking about include: Nellys' "Take a Ride With Me", that one song that goes "I wanna be a..balla...shot calla..20 inch blades...", Pour Some Sugar on Me, Spice Girls "If you wanna be my lovvva" and many maaany more.

Here's a portion of the lyrics to "Middle" before it starts repeating the same thing over and over...take a look and see if you connect to it as much as I do.

Hey, don't write yourself off yet
It's only in your head you feel left out or looked down on.
Just try your best, try everything you can.
And don't you worry what they tell themselves when you're away.
It just takes some time, little girl you're in the middle of the ride.
Everything will be just fine, everything will be alright

Hey, you know they're all the same.
You know you're doing better on your own, so don't buy in.
Live right now.Yeah, just be yourself.
It doesn't matter if it's good enough for someone else.

It just takes some time, little girl you're in the middle of the ride.
Everything (everything) will be just fine, everything (everything) will be alright (alright).
It just takes some time, little girl you're in the middle of the ride.
Everything (everything) will be just fine, everything (everything) will be alright (alright).
Anyways just a little inspiration for your Wednesday. xo

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